Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can't Make a Decent Speech Unless You Drink Piss

Time to shine, big guy! Let's make sure this room full of strangers hears you.

STANLEY: "I met Scott in high school. We sat next to each other in Mrs. Wilson's Sophomore English class, and man... did we drive that woman up a wall. (Pause for laughs) I just met this gentleman who banged a knife against his beer twenty seconds ago, and I just have to say: He and I have the same rapport that Scott and I share. So here's to the lucky bride and groom: You got too long of road ahead of you than you deserve!"

How do you follow a guy with a loud beer bottle? You take that fucking thing from his hand and break it over his face. "NO ONE MAKES MY INTRODUCTIONS FOR ME... Steve has always been a pretty crazy guy." Man has to take a stand when his position of Best Man, dammit.

Tell me, what exactly is a "Self-Respecting  Drink?" Is it some sort of ale that doesn't take shit from lagers?

Thank you for reading. Sorry, its kinda short, but I've been busy this weekend with comedy things. If you like the blog, please, do not tell your friends.

Michael Kaye

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